The Pirates of Penzance

12th April 2016 - 16th April 2016

Price: £14.00

7:30pm (plus 2.30pm Saturday matinee)

All tickets £14 although there are reductions for family and block bookings.

“Oh, better far to live and die, under the brave black flag I fly! “

Where better to celebrate the absurdity of English manners coupled with sublime music than at Bristol Gilbert and Sullivan Operatic Society's new production of The Pirates of Penzance?

Join us for a swashbuckling, Topsy-Turvy adventure following the story of Frederic, a young pirate whose dedication to doing what is right causes him all kinds of difficulties.Throw into that mix double choruses, patter songs, a Pirate King, a Major General, a patrol of bumbling policeman, and a bevy of beautiful daughters and you have all the ingredients of a classic Gilbert and Sullivan show.

Bristol Gilbert & Sullivan Operatic Society has grown from strength to strength in recent years with many acclaimed productions.Together with their Music Director Ben England and Director Hannah Coleman they present this ever-popular operetta filled to the brim with “hilarity, humour and memorable song “with a professionalism that belies the amateur status of the Society. Add in the Society’s professional Orchestra, the renowned stage design of James Helps and the wonderful costumes from Lauren Gibbons.The audience can expect an uproariously funny evening!

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